17 December 2021 - 21 January 2022
Target audience
Any healthcare professional, regardless of their professional category, including different backgrounds and roles, including: clinicians, nurses, engineers, management, administration, etc.
Accreditation and certification
Certificate of completion issued by Erasmus MC
Become a value based healthcare expert!
Interested in learning more about how the VBHC concept can create value for patients? Erasmus MC, in collaboration with EIT Health, has developed a one-off special online winter course on the theory and implementation of value based healthcare.
Over 15+ lectures, various topics are discussed, presented by inspiring international speakers. You will learn more about the how, what and why of value-driven care, patient involvement in improving quality of care and the collection and application of quality and outcome indicators based on case examples from practice.
You can go through the videos of the lectures, literature and quiz questions at your own pace, when it suits you best.
Online largely self-paced course with two days of live sessions with experts. Live sessions will take place on the mornings of the 16th and 17thof December.
- Introduction to VBHC
- Development of outcome sets
- Patient engagement
- Methodology of patient reported outcome
- International clinical examples
- International benchmarking
- PROMIS and computer adaptive testing
- Patient reported experience
- Data management
- Team collaboration
- Service design
- Care path development
- Innovation management
- Value based contracting
- Inequity in health(care)
Em. prof. dr. Jan Hazelzet
After finishing Polytechnic School, I studied medicine at the Erasmus…
Prof. Matthias Rose, MD, PhD
Prof Rose, MD is Professor and Chair of the Department…
Dr. Nikki van Leeuwen
I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Medical Decision…
Andria Joseph
Andria has been at the International Consortium for Health Outcome…
Niek Klazinga, MD PhD
Niek Klazinga is since 2006 the strategic lead of the…
Dr. Jan-Jaap Visser
Dr. Jacob Visser is trained as a musculoskeletal radiologist, clinical…
Peter Rijnbeek, PhD
Dr Peter Rijnbeek is the Head of the Department of…
Dr. Caroline Terwee
Caroline Terwee is associate professor of Outcome Measurement at the…
Prof. dr. Kees Ahaus
Kees Ahaus (1960) is as of 1 April 2019 Professor…
Prof. Erik M. van Raaij, PhD
Erik van Raaij is Professor of Sustainable Procurement in Healthcare…
Prof. dr. Rob Baatenburg de Jong
Academic education and degrees Medical Education: ErasmusMC Rotterdam Residency: Erasmus…
Maarten Koudstaal, MD, DMD, PhD
Currently based as craniomaxillofacial surgeon at the Erasmus Medical Center…
Prof. dr. Nico van Meeteren
Prof. Nico van Meeteren is Executive Director and Secretary General…
Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann
Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann is professor of Design for…