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    Michèle van der Kemp, MSc

    Consultant - Value Based Health Care Strategy & Tactics


    In healthcare, days of business as usual are over. We are struggling with rising costs, high levels of clinician burnout, and lack of adequate quality metrics – or the effective use thereof- on both a national and international scale. This, despite the enormous energy and knowledge healthcare professionals invest on a daily basis. It is time for patient-centric & clinician-led strategies, business models and cooperative operation designs for our healthcare industry. Maximizing value for patients and the system at large should and could be the overarching goal.

    After more than a decade of experience in training clinician groups throughout Europe, and designing integrated practice units based on the principles of Value Based Health Care and Clinical Leadership, the time is right for a system approach. Both within healthcare organizations, and in national & regional ‘through-the-line’ governing structures. I am poised and convinced to help clinicians lead and thrive in a more valuable and sustainable system.