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    Niek Klazinga

    OECD (Paris) and Amsterdam AMC/UvA

    Niek Klazinga, MD PhD

    Strategic Lead Healthcare Quality and Outcomes


    Niek Klazinga is since 2006 the strategic lead of the Health Care Quality and Outcomes program at the OECD in Paris. He combines this work with a professorship in Social Medicine at the Academic Medical Centre at the University of Amsterdam.

    Dr. Klazinga has been involved over the past 30 years in numerous health services research projects and policy debates on quality of care and published widely on the subject. Present commitments include a visiting professorship at the Corvinus University in Budapest and the University of Toronto, advisor to WHO/Euro, advisor to the Canadian Institute for Health Informatics and member of the Quality Council of the Dutch Health Care Institute (ZiN). Since 2018 his research group in Amsterdam is coordinating a large EU funded program with 14 PhD fellows on performance intelligence. Dr. Klazinga has (co)authored around 250 articles in peer- reviewed journals and to date completed the supervision of 38 PhD trajectories.