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    Photo Gerardine Doyle

    University College Dublin

    Prof. dr. Gerardine Doyle   

    Director UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Associate / Dean UCD College of Business


    Gerardine is a Full Professor of Accounting at University College Dublin. Gerardine serves as Dean of the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Associate Dean of the College of Business and Head of the Accountancy discipline at her University.

    Gerardine’s research is interdisciplinary spanning the disciplines of accounting, taxation, economics, medicine, public health and sociology. During 2017 Gerardine spent six months as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Business School, hosted by Professor Robert Kaplan, researching value measurement in health care. Her intellectual signature is as a leading interdisciplinary international scholar around measurement in health care, addressing value measurement in health care delivery and measurement of health literacy. Her research agenda positions the patient and person as the unit of analysis to optimise health outcomes and well-being, and therefore seeks to make a difference to the lives of others and has a clear, positive impact on society, the economy and the wider world.

    Interdisciplinary partnerships where Gerardine has been a Principal Investigator include consortiums such as the European Health Literacy Survey, Diabetes Literacy, Applied Research in Connected Health, Clinical Handover in Acute Hospitals, Big Data against Childhood Obesity, Evaluation of Sugar Sweetened Beverage Taxes, Value in the delivery of care for children with cystic fibrosis, clinical and societal value of a new biomarker for pre-eclampsia (AI PREMie) and Measurement of Population and Organisational Health Literacy, a World Health Organisation Action Network.

    The key motivation driving Gerardine’s work is to deliver societal impact by engaging in societal-challenge orientated research to influence national and international policy with special emphasis on health and related tax policy.