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    Regional Hospital Central Jutland

    Dr. Claus Brøckner Nielsen

    Medical director


    From October 2018 CMO at Regional Hospital Central Jutland, Central Denmark Region.

    CMO from August 2015 – October 2018 for the 5 hospitals in northern part of Denmark
    (Hjoerring, Thisted, Frederikshavn, Broenderslev and Skagen).

    Claus Broeckner Nielsen has previous been the chairman of the department of cardiology
    at Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby (Aarhus – DK) since May 2006 – August 2015, and
    from 2005 he was the chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine at Odense
    University Hospital (Odense – DK).

    Claus Broeckner Nielsen graduated as MD from Aarhus University in 1990, received his
    Ph.D. in 1995 and became a specialist in cardiology in 2003. In 2005 he received a Master
    of Public Management (MPM) degree with his thesis on “Managerial implications of
    marketization in the public sector”.
    Before becoming chairman of the department of cardiovascular medicine Claus Broeckner
    Nielsen was an active researcher. 34 Peer reviewed and 46 contributions to scientific

    During his entire career Claus Broeckner Nielsen has been very active in a range of
    professional and political committees and societies, holding several positions of trust.

    Claus Broeckner Nielsen is an active teacher especially topics of management, medical and
    Health Care, organizational and cultural changes.

    Claus Broeckner Nielsen has a background as officer within the Royal Danish Air Force and
    holds a rank as Captain. In 2010 he received a medal for good service from her Majesty
    Queen Margrethe II.