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    linetta koppert 1122-013_aangepast

    Erasmus MC

    Dr. Linetta Koppert MD, Associate Professor

    Associate professor surgical oncology and clinical epidemiologist at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


    Her focus in research is in Quality of breast cancer surgery and development of value based/ outcome-driven breast cancer, especially in young breast cancer patients. Breast cancer patients are invited to fill in Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) since October 2015 at different time points before, during and after treatment. Since several years, Erasmus MC collaborates with 9 regional hospitals measuring PROMs, implemented in  breast cancer care. This regional network forms the blueprint for value based health care collaboration.

    Validity and rankability of existing national quality indicators was tested in >79.000 patients as well as a textbook outcome developedThe institutional implementation of value based/ outcome-driven breast cancer since 2015 with regional, national and international collaboration (Ann Surg Oncol 2018, Eur J Surg Oncology 2018 and 2019, Breast Ca 2020) also resulted in a systematic review  (Value Health 2019) and developments in outcome prediction modelling (Qual Life Res 2018, Breast J 2020, World J Surg 2018). She contributed to the development of an ICHOM international standard outcome set for breast cancer patients as incentive for better care and facilitation of comparative effectiveness research (JAMA Oncology 2017).

    Prediction of outcome forms an important research focus. A 3D ultrasound- Automated Breast Volume Scanner (AVBS) is used to predict cosmetic outcome of breast conserving surgery within a randomized controlled multicentric trial; TURACOS (NTR4997). Moreover, the AVBS is tested for its accuracy in response monitoring during and after neo-adjuvant chemotherapy as compared to gold-standard MRI (multicentric RESPONDER trial (NTR6799)). Prediction of radiation fibrosis trough translational research using tissue biopsies, serum and PROMs is done in the institutional RILARIF assay.

    De-escalation of breast cancer surgery was studied within a large population-based database and showed at least equivalent survival of breast conserving treatment versus mastectomy (analyzed in >129.000 patients (Int J Ca 2018)) and clear safety of leaving re-excision after breast conserving treatment with focally irradical tumor margins. She was co-principal investigator of the KWF-funded RISAS study (KWF-2015-8023; NCT02800317). This study involved 14 sites and the intended inclusion of 227 patients was reached in 2020, results presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference 2020. In addition, the KWF-funded multicentric MINIMAX trial (KWF-12518; NCT04486495), including Quality of Life endpoints, compares outcomes in various axillary treatments in node positive breast cancer patients receiving neo-adjuvant systemic treatment. She supervises several PhD candidates and (co)authored >100 peer reviewed publications. Since 2021 Linetta is director of the national NABON Breast Cancer Audit (NBCA), which is the national breast cancer registry. She co-headed the development of an international standard outcome set for metastatic breast cancer. She is clinical country lead for the IMI-funded Health Outcomes Observatory (H2O) project aiming to develop and implement standard outcome sets for Diabetes, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cancer (lung, breast, multiple myeloma and non hodgkin lymphoma) within Europe and is PI international VBHC within the Erasmus MC.