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    Foto met hoge resolutie Arie Franx_vierkant

    Erasmus MC, Linnean Initiative

    Prof. dr. Arie Franx

    Professor of Obstetrics and co-chair Linnean Initiative


    Arie Franx (1961) trained at the medical school of the Free University in Amsterdam and specialized in obstetrics and gynaecology in Utrecht and Tilburg, the Netherlands. He holds a PhD degree of Utrecht University. In 2019 he was appointed at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam on the chair Obstetrics in particular the lifecourse approach of fetal development and maternal health. Arie supervised over 60 PhD students and co-authored over 360 scientific papers and two handbooks. Arie’s h-index is currently 42. His research topics include organisation and quality of healthcare. He works on value-based healthcare with the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres, the Ministery of Health, the Netherlands Healthcare Institute and the International Consortium of Health Outcome Measurement ( Arie is co-founder and co-chairman of the Linnean Initiative (, a nationwide multidisciplinary network aiming to accelerate the implementation of value-based healthcare in the Netherlands. He serves as a senior advisor to Sprink Ltd (, a consultancy firm focusing on bringing together the concepts of person-centered healthcare, value-based health care and population equity.