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5th Lustrum edition of the VBHC course

23 August 2021 - 27 August 2021


You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.


Home / Calendar / 5th Lustrum edition of the VBHC course

5th Lustrum edition of the VBHC course


23 August 2021 - 27 August 2021


Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam
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In 2021 we organized the 5th edition of the course about the theory and implementation of value based healthcare. In this course a large number of topics related to VBHC were presented by an impressive list of international speakers. The course was organized in collaboration with ICHOM as well as EUHA (European University Hospital Alliance).



12.30 – 13.00 | Registration & welcome, with coffee and tea
13.00 – 15.00 | Introduction & program


15.15 – 17.15 | Continuation of the program
17.00 – 18.00 | Informal welcome drinks, reception


12.30 – 13.00 | Registration & welcome, with coffee and tea
13.00 – 15.00 | Introduction & program


15.15 – 17.15 | Continuation of the program
17.00 – 18.00 | Informal welcome drinks, reception


12.30 – 13.00 | Registration & welcome, with coffee and tea
13.00 – 15.00 | Introduction & program


15.15 – 17.15 | Continuation of the program


12.30 – 13.00 | Registration & welcome, with coffee and tea
13.00 – 15.00 | Introduction & program


15.15 – 17.15 | Continuation of the program


08.30 – 09.00 | Registration & welcome, with coffee and tea
09.00 – 11.00 | Introduction & program


11.15 – 13.30 | Wrap-up



Introduction to VBHC
From theory of the value concept and all its components to the real implementation.

Development of outcome sets
What is an outcome set, what means generic, domain and disease specific?

Patient engagement
How to really involve patients, co-creation and co-evaluation.

Methodology of patient reported outcome
From international psychometrics to clinical application.

International clinical examples
Examples as pregnancy and childbirth, cleft lip and palate, breast cancer.

International benchmarking
Between country variation and what are the pitfalls in comparison.

PROMIS and computer adaptive testing
Patient reported outcome measurement information system, background and application.

Patient reported experience
Domains of patient centered care and how to measure and improve it.

Data management
Data management and data standards.

Team collaboration
High value is only achieved in healthcare in closely collaborating professionals.

Service design
The activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality. How do we do this in healthcare.

Care path development
Goals and key elements of care based on evidence and best practice.

Innovation management
How do we organize innovation in our organizations?

Value based contracting
How to move from fee for service to fee for performance?

Inequity in health(care)
Is there inequity and do we take differences for granted?



Em. prof. dr. Jan Hazelzet

Em Professor in Healthcare Quality & Outcome Erasmus MC, Consultant

After finishing Polytechnic School, I studied medicine at the Erasmus…

Prof. Matthias Rose, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine

Prof Rose, MD is Professor and Chair of the Department…

Nikki van Leeuwen

Dr. Nikki van Leeuwen

Post-doctoral researcher

I work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Medical Decision…

Ellen Coeckelberghs

Ellen Coeckelberghs, PhD

Post-doctoral researcher
Andria Joseph

Andria Joseph

Senior Project Leader

Andria has been at the International Consortium for Health Outcome…

Niek Klazinga

Niek Klazinga, MD PhD

Strategic Lead Healthcare Quality and Outcomes

Niek Klazinga is since 2006 the strategic lead of the…

Jan-Jaap Visser

Dr. Jan-Jaap Visser

Radiologist & CMIO

Dr. Jacob Visser is trained as a musculoskeletal radiologist, clinical…

Peter Rijnbeek, PhD

Peter Rijnbeek, PhD

Associate Professor Health Data Science

Dr Peter Rijnbeek is the Head of the Department of…

Dr. Caroline Terwee

Dr. Caroline Terwee

Associate Professor in Outcome Measurement

Caroline Terwee is associate professor of Outcome Measurement at the…

Kees Ahaus

Prof. dr. Kees Ahaus

Department Manager Health Services Management & Organization

Kees Ahaus (1960) is as of 1 April 2019 Professor…

Erik van Raaij

Prof. Erik M. van Raaij, PhD

Professor of Purchasing and Supply Management in Healthcare

Erik van Raaij is Professor of Sustainable Procurement in Healthcare…

Olga Husson

Olga Husson

Senior Researcher

Dr. Olga Husson is an epidemiologist employed as group leader…

Prof. dr. Rob Baatenburg de Jong

Professor and Head of the Department of Throat Nose and Ear

Academic education and degrees Medical Education: ErasmusMC Rotterdam Residency: Erasmus…

Maarten Koudstaal

Maarten Koudstaal, MD, DMD, PhD

Craniomaxillofacial Surgeon

Currently based as craniomaxillofacial surgeon at the Erasmus Medical Center…

Hiske Ernst, MSc

Hiske Ernst, MSc

Project Leader

Hiske E. Ernst-Smelt MSc is an experienced project leader in…

Joseph Casey

Joseph Casey

Director of Partnerships and Programmes
Prof. dr. Nico van Meeteren

Prof. dr. Nico van Meeteren

Professor of perioperative health & Executive director, Secretary general

Prof. Nico van Meeteren is Executive Director and Secretary General…

Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann

Professor in Design for Digital Transformation

Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann is professor of Design for…

Martina Buljac

Martina Buljac, PdD

Assistant Professor

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.