6 December 2021 - 17 December 2021
Target audience
Any healthcare professional, regardless of their professional category, including different backgrounds and roles, including: clinicians, nurses, engineers, management, administration, etc.
Accreditation and certification
Certificate of completion issued by Healthcare Transformation Academy.
Online event to know more about value based healthcare
This is a case-based online course, suitable for anyone who wants to know more about value based healthcare. Join the Healthcare Transformation Academy and participate in this online programme that will give you knowledge and competencies in high value care.
Erasmus MC is offering the High Value Care pilot from Monday 6 December to Friday 17 December. Based on videos of various real-life case examples and interactive online moments with experts. You will learn more about the theory and implementation of value-driven care.
The Health Transformation Academy (HTA) is an international initiative, driven by hospitals within the European University Hospital Alliance. HTA offers healthcare professionals various types of education with the aim of providing the necessary competencies and skills for the care of the future.
Online largely self-paced course with two days of live sessions with experts. Live sessions will take place on the mornings of the 16th and 17thof December.
- Introduction to the concept of VBHC
- Patient engagement
- International availability and use of quality and outcome indicators
- Implementation of value based healthcare based on successful practical examples
Niek Klazinga, MD PhD
Niek Klazinga is since 2006 the strategic lead of the…
Em. prof. dr. Jan Hazelzet
After finishing Polytechnic School, I studied medicine at the Erasmus…
Prof. dr. Rob Baatenburg de Jong
Academic education and degrees Medical Education: ErasmusMC Rotterdam Residency: Erasmus…
Prof. dr. Arie Franx
Arie Franx (1961) trained at the medical school of the…
Dr. Linetta Koppert MD, Associate Professor
Her focus in research is in Quality of breast cancer surgery and…