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6th edition of the VBHC Summer Course 2022

22 August 2022 - 26 August 2022


You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.


Home / Calendar / 6th edition of the VBHC Summer Course 2022

6th edition of the VBHC Summer Course 2022


22 August 2022 - 26 August 2022


Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam



Target audience

All professionals / everyone working within healthcare, regardless of their professional category and including different backgrounds and roles, including: clinicians, researchers, nurses, engineers, management and administration.

Accreditation and certification

Certification of attendance Accreditatie Bureau Algemene Nascholing (ABAN)



It’s a wrap! The Value Based Healthcare Summer Course 2022 was a success! It’s safe to say that with 15 lectures, a working visit to the Erasmus MC and an interactive panel discussion it was a full but inspiring week. We welcomed speakers and participants from all over the world to learn and share experiences. The interaction between the speakers and the participants made this summer course to the success it was!





Subject to minor changes.

Day 1 / Monday 22 August 2022 – Introduction into Value Based Healthcare

12.30 – 13.00   Registration & welcome with coffee and tea

13.00 – 14.00   Introduction into the concept of Value Based Healthcare by Linetta Koppert (Erasmus MC)

14.00 – 15.00   Person centered care and the patient as partner by Jan Hazelzet (Erasmus MC)


15.15 – 16.15     Methodology of Outcome measurement: principles by Matthias Rose (Charité Berlin)

16.15 – 17.15     Innovation in value based healthcare by Arie Franx (Erasmus MC)

17.15 – 18.15     Informal welcome drinks, reception


Day 2 / Tuesday 23 August 2022 – Organizational transformation on VBHC

12.30 – 13.00   Registration & welcome with coffee and tea

13.00 – 14.45   Tour and Walk-in @ Erasmus MC
Presentation Erasmus MC by Rosemarijn Steensma (Erasmus MC)


15.15 – 16.15      Organizational transformation on value based healthcare by Annelieke Pasma (Erasmus MC)

16.15 – 17.15      Linnean Model and Team evaluation Value Driven Care by Michèle van der Kemp (VDKMP)


Day 3 / Wednesday 24 August 2022 – VBHC from an international perspective

10.30 – 11.00    Registration & welcome with coffee and tea

11.00 – 12.00    Value-based provider payment reform: theory and practice by Kees Ahaus (ESHPM)

12.00 – 13.00    Lunch

13.00 – 14.00    VBHC, the place of ICHOM by Neo Tapela (ICHOM)

14.00 – 15.00    VBHC in Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery and a look into the future by Rob Baatenburg de Jong (Erasmus MC)


15.15 – 16.15       The H2O approach: data governance and infrastructure system across Europe by Tanja Stamm (MedUni Vienna)

16.15 – 17.15       Health outcomes and equity and how VBHC is being applied across multiple hospitals as part of integrated pathways of care for a region  by Kate Haire (NHS)

18.30 – 21.00     Summer BBQ – informal dinner in the Secret Garden of the Schielandshuis.


Day 4 / Thursday 25 August 2022 – Case-based VBHC: implementation of VBHC

12.30 – 13.00   Registration & welcome with coffee and tea

13.00 – 14.00   Epidemiological perspectives on VBHC by Hester Lingsma (Erasmus MC)

14.00 – 15.00   Digital transformation and service design by Maaike Kleinsmann (TU Delft)


15.15 – 16.15      Implementing VBHC in dermato-oncology practice by Marlies Wakkee (Erasmus MC)

16.15 – 17.15      Perspective of the healthcare provider: shared decision making: what does it mean? by Bas Wijnhoven (Erasmus MC)


Day 5 / Friday 26 August 2022 – Different perspectives on VBHC

10.00 – 10.30   Registration & welcome with coffee and tea

10.30 – 11.45      Round Table Session


12.00 – 13.00     Qualitative research on VBHC by Anne-Mette Hermans (Erasmus MC) and Margot Joosen (Tilburg University, Tranzo)

13.00 – 13.45    Wrap up & evaluation by Linetta Koppert (Erasmus MC)

13.45                  Lunch to go



Topics include:

Introduction into the concept of Value Based Healthcare
From theory of the value concept and all its components to the real implementation.

Person centered care and the patient as partner
How to really involve patients, co-creation and co-evaluation.

Development of outcome sets
What is an outcome set, what means generic, domain and disease specific?

Methodology of patient reported outcome
From international psychometrics to clinical application.

International benchmarking
Between country variation and what are the pitfalls in comparison.

Organizational transformation on value based healthcare
An understanding of what is essential in terms of organizational change when it comes to the implementation of VBHC.

Team evaluation on value driven care
How to organize the evaluation of teams who are implementing VBHC.

Data governance and infrastructure system across Europe
Health outcomes observatories’ that will amplify the patient voice both in their own healthcare and in healthcare systems more broadly.

(International) clinical examples on VBHC
Examples of implementation of VBHC within dermato oncology, otolaryngology-head and neck surgery and breast cancer.

Qualitative research
How to conduct qualitative research on VBHC.



Kees Ahaus

Prof. dr. Kees Ahaus

Department Manager Health Services Management & Organization

Kees Ahaus (1960) is as of 1 April 2019 Professor…

Prof. dr. Rob Baatenburg de Jong

Professor and Head of the Department of Throat Nose and Ear

Academic education and degrees Medical Education: ErasmusMC Rotterdam Residency: Erasmus…

Prof. dr. Arie Franx

Professor of Obstetrics and co-chair Linnean Initiative

Arie Franx (1961) trained at the medical school of the…

Dr. Kate Haire

Clinical Chair, Consultant in Public Health Medicine

Dr Kate Haire is Consultant in Public Health Medicine and…

Em. prof. dr. Jan Hazelzet

Em Professor in Healthcare Quality & Outcome Erasmus MC, Consultant

After finishing Polytechnic School, I studied medicine at the Erasmus…

Dr. Anne-Mette Hermans

Lecturer and Researcher in Media and Communication

Dr Anne-Mette Hermans is Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Media…

Dr. Margot Joosen

Senior reseacher Work & Health

Michèle van der Kemp, MSc

Consultant - Value Based Health Care Strategy & Tactics

In healthcare, days of business as usual are over. We…

Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann

Professor in Design for Digital Transformation

Prof. dr. ir. Maaike Kleinsmann is professor of Design for…

Dr. Linetta Koppert MD, Associate Professor

Associate professor surgical oncology and clinical epidemiologist at Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Her focus in research is in Quality of breast cancer surgery and…

Prof. dr. Hester Lingsma

Professor Medical Decision Making

Prof. dr. Hester Lingsma is professor of Medical Decision Making…

Prof. Matthias Rose, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine

Prof Rose, MD is Professor and Chair of the Department…

Prof. dr. Tanja Stamm

Full Professor and Head of the Institute for Outcomes Research, Deputy Director of the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems at the Medical University of Vienna

Tanja Stamm is Full Professor and Head of the Institute…

Rosemarijn Steensma MA


Dr. Neo Tapela, MD

Chief Scientific Officer

Neo is a physician, epidemiologist, and healthcare leader passionate about…

Dr. Marlies Wakkee

Associate Professor and Dermatologist

As a dermatologist and researcher focused on dermato-oncology and being…

Prof. dr. Bas Wijnhoven

Professor of Oesophagogastric Surgery

Professor Bas Wijnhoven was registered as general surgeon in 2006….

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.

You can register via the following link.

The final programme will be published in due time.

The Erasmus MC is located in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. Rotterdam is the second large city in the Netherlands. It's port is the largest port in Europe.